November 3, 2008

Antonio Santos

Lupiñén, Huesca, 1955

He studied Fine Art at Barcelona University. A well-known painter, sculptor and graphic artist, his work includes: Y con la cebra que pasó (Sinsentido, 2000); Pancho y El viaje de Pancho (Kalandraka, 2005); La visita del vampiro (Siruela, 2005); Zoo (Sinsentido, 2006); Vacaciones en el Himalaya (Siruela, 2007); El sueño de Marta y El cumpleaños del Ratón (Anaya, 2007). His work has won the Daniel Gil Prize for Best Children’s Book 2003 and the Second National Illustration Prize 2004.

Published titles:
Story of the parrot's resurrection

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